

 この日録では「渡米実業団」(Honorary Commercial Commissioners of Japan to the United States of America)と呼ばれた日本初の大型ビジネスミッションの日々の出来事を、『渋沢栄一伝記資料』に再録された資料等で追いながら、過去に遡る形で掲載しています。

 1910(明治43)年1月14日(金) 金牌並徽章御嘉納についてアメリカ側に通知

渡米実業団誌』 (巌谷季雄, 1910.10) p.576-582

 ○第三編 第五章 徽章及び金牌伝献の件
    第三[節] 伝献の手続
[1月5日より・前略] 仍つて一月十四日付を以て、渋沢団長より国務次官ウィルソン氏、及び聯合商業会議所会頭ローマン氏に右の趣を通知し、尚後者に対しては、右の趣を氏の同僚たる各商業会議所会頭に通知されんことを請求したり。

渋沢栄一書翰 ジェームス・ディー・ローマン宛 (1910.01.14) (ジェームス・ディー・ローマン氏所蔵)

                  Tokio. Jan. 14, 1910.
J. D. Lowman, Esq.,
  President, Associated Chambers of Commerce,
        of Pacific Coast.
        Chamber of Commerce,
        Seattle, Wash., U.S.A.
Dear Sir,
  In reference to your note dated Washington, D.C. the third November, 1909 with which you have in the name of the Associated Chambers of Commerce of the Pacific Coast Presented to me a specially prepared insignia of membership of the Commercial Commission for transmission to His Imperial Majesty, My August Sovereign, I have the honor to inform you that on arriving in Japan I have taken necessary steps for its presentation to the Emperor.
  It gives me great pleasure to inform you that His Imperial Majesty has been graciously pleased to accept the said insignia and expressed through the Minister of the Imperial Household the Imperial appreciation of kindly sentiment and unchangeable friendship of your Associated Chambers of Commerce which prompted the presentation of such a valuable souvenir which was so thoughtfully arranged on the Imperial birthday. Hoping that you will kindly make the above known to your associates, I avail myself of this opportunity to renew to you, My dear Mr. Lowman, the assurance of my highest consideration.
            Baron E. Shibusawa.