

 この日録では「渡米実業団」(Honorary Commercial Commissioners of Japan to the United States of America)と呼ばれた日本初の大型ビジネスミッションの日々の出来事を、『渋沢栄一伝記資料』に再録された資料等で追いながら、過去に遡る形で掲載しています。

 1909(明治42)年11月10日(水) 渋沢栄一、J.D.ローマンに宛て伊藤博文訃報への弔意に対する礼状

渋沢栄一書翰 ジェームス・ディー・ローマン宛 (1909.11.10) (ジェームス・ディー・ローマン氏所蔵) (COPY)

          St. Louis, Missouri, Nov. 10, 1909.
Mr. J. D. Lowman,
  President, Associated Chambers of Commerce of the Pacific Coast.
Dear Sir:-
  On behalf of the Honorary Commercial Commission of Japan, I beg to acknowledge receipt of the communication signed by you and other American delegates traveling with us, recording your heartfelt sympathy with us in our national sorrow for the tragic death of Prince Ito.
  Please accept our sincere thanks for this graceful act on your part. Nothing strengthens the feeling of common brotherhood of mankind more effectively than participation in each other's grief and sorrow. In this sense, as much as for the sake of the memory of the great statesman just taken from us, we are sincerely gratified to receive in the moment of national mourning expressions of sympathy from so many influential citizens of the United States.
  I need hardly assure you that none has been more gratifying than that from you and the other gentlemen to whom we owe so much and with whom it has been our good fortune to form such close ties of friendship.
            I remain,
               Yours very truly,
               (signed) E. Shibusawa
