

 この日録では「渡米実業団」(Honorary Commercial Commissioners of Japan to the United States of America)と呼ばれた日本初の大型ビジネスミッションの日々の出来事を、『渋沢栄一伝記資料』に再録された資料等で追いながら、過去に遡る形で掲載しています。

 1909(明治42)年9月27日(月) シカゴ美術館、都市計画の参観など。コングレス・ホテル内ゴールド・ルームで大晩餐会 【滞米第27日】


(「紀念牌及徽章」 (『渡米実業団誌』巻頭折込)掲載)


渋沢栄一 日記 1909(明治42)年 (渋沢子爵家所蔵)


竜門雑誌』 第266号 (1910.07) p.38-44

         随行員 増田明六
九月二十七日 晴 (月曜日)
Baron Shibusawa and other Friends from Japan :
  By favor of the enterprise and patriotism of the foremost cities of the Pacific coast, with the cooperation of the great railways, Chicago welcomes tonight, from the hand of His Imperial Majesty the Emperor of Japan himself, the most distinguished representatives of a masterful people ever yet offered the hospitality of the world's youngest great city. This city and association has had the good fortune to have as our guests, in April 1908, the party of Japanese making a tour of the world, and in April of this year, in this very room, a dinner was given in honor of your able, distinguished and charming countrymen, Mr. Wada, Director General, and Mr. Sakai, Commissioner General, of the Japanese Exposition to be held in Tokyo in 1917.
  In your comprehensive tour of the United States you have been able to devote four days to the study of the resources in commerce, manufacture, education, art and science of a city which, almost in the life of living citizens, has grown from a frontier trading post to the American continent's central commercial capital, and which, with a population of two and a quarter million, has multiplied nearly forty-fold since 1854, when Japan, after a period of seclusion and isolation, was opened to the world.
  You, sirs, believe in your advantages of race and geography; and we of Chicago, too, believe that we have peculiar strength in the character of our people and our natural situation, while we both believe that we are to be of world importance in the progress of civilization; and it is because we have for our city, as you have for your nation, ambitions in common, and with like characteristics to justify them, that we are profoundly and sincerely interested in your country and your people.
  A modern writer aptly remarks: "In the Japan of today the world has a unique example of an Eastern people displaying the power to assimilate and to adopt the civilization of the West, while preserving its own national identity unimpared."
  In its power of assimilation and adaptation, Japan evokes the admiration and even the apprehension of the world. History records no such wonderful transformation from the archaic to the modern as is offered by Japan's renunciation of medievalism, and the institutions of feudalism, with one stroke of the pen. In the edict authorizing the constitution in 1868, the Emperor of Japan thus laid down the lines on which he and his advisers had determined Japan should be thenceforth governed:
  "The old uncivilized way shall be replaced by the eternal principles of the universe.
  The best knowledge shall be sought throughout the world so as to promote the imperial welfare."
  What Japan has done with earnestness, enthusiasm and self-sacrifice, industrious in peace and terrible in battle, to carry out his lofty principle of reform, the world with amazement confesses.
  In the creation of a new national character the educational and cultured classes are intent upon cutting out everything which is indefensible, unserviceable, and are intent on adopting and adapting from every nation such qualities as will better enable Japan to progress and be free. Men of the highest rank and culture are engaging in commerce, once a lowly and almost discredited activity. Japan is striving for a high moral standing, and her thirst for knowledge of all kinds is one of the most pleasing features of her aggressive and interesting genius.
  We believe that the power of Japan will be exercised for the good of the world, that her strength will never be used in disregard of international welfare, that she cherishes no policies of aggression, and that her aspiration is the preservation of national independence in the broadest sense consistent with her status in the family of nations.
  We recognize in you gentlemen not only representatives of commerce, industry and education, but representatives of the Japanese people, and as such ambassadors of peace and good will, and you will find here, as you have found to the North and West, and will find to the East and South, a cordial welcome, a desire to be helpful and a willingness to co-operate with you in everthing that will advance the interest and welfare of your country and your people.
  "May we, to whom Japan opened the door in 1853 never be found remiss in sympathy and trust, whether in the field of diplomacy or of commerce.
  Every American who visits Japan and truly knows its people, returns with the sweet saying of St. Francis Xavier, 300 years ago: 'This nation is the delight of my soul.'"

渡米実業団誌』 (巌谷季雄, 1910.10) p.191-247

 ○第一編 第五章 回覧日誌 東部の上
     第一節 シカゴ市

九月二十七日 (月) 晴
婦人の部 午前は市の慈善事業なる、養育院・少年裁判所、等を参観し、師範学校にて歓迎を受け、午餐を食堂内に饗せらる、夜はホテル別席に於て、歓迎委員夫人側の招待を受く。
欧洲より御帰朝の途に在らせらるゝ、 久邇宮王妃両殿下に御機嫌伺の為め拝謁願度旨、かねて電報を以て申請せしに、両殿下には喜んで御引見相成旨御返電を賜はる。
