

 この日録では「渡米実業団」(Honorary Commercial Commissioners of Japan to the United States of America)と呼ばれた日本初の大型ビジネスミッションの日々の出来事を、『渋沢栄一伝記資料』に再録された資料等で追いながら、過去に遡る形で掲載しています。

 1909(明治42)年9月2日(木) アメリカでの報道「When Jap emissaries come」(Kansas City Star)

『Kansas City Star』vol.29,no.350 (1909.09.02)

     Elaborate Entertainment Planned for Forty-Six
      Commissioners in November
  The commercial club is planning a unique reception to the forty-six commissioners from Japan who landed in Seattle yesterday and who will be in Kansas City November 5. The reception to the commissioners, who are sent to this country by the Japanese government, will be held in the rooms of the commercial club. The entrance and the marble stairway leading to the club rooms will be lined with chrysanthemums. The large room will be hung with the Sun flag of Japan entwined with the American flag. The assistant to the secretary of the commercial club that day will be Kiichi Harada, a Japanese who is employed by the Kemper Grain Company.
  The industrial commission of the commercial club is sending letters to all the manufacturers inclosing a printed sheet with a request that it be filled out with a description of the articles made in Kansas City that might be exported to the Orient, When these sheets have been sent in they will be cross indexed and bound in a handsome book together with views and statistics of this city and it will be presented to the commissioners to take with them back to Japan.
