

 この日録では「渡米実業団」(Honorary Commercial Commissioners of Japan to the United States of America)と呼ばれた日本初の大型ビジネスミッションの日々の出来事を、『渋沢栄一伝記資料』に再録された資料等で追いながら、過去に遡る形で掲載しています。

 1909(明治42)年11月3日(水) 渋沢栄一、太平洋聯合商業会議所会頭ローマンより天皇陛下への献上品を預かる

渡米実業団誌』 (巌谷季雄, 1910.10) p.576-582

 ○第三編 第五章 徽章及び金牌伝献の件
     第二節 金剛石入金製徽章
[9月19日より・前略] 十一月三日即ち我天長節に際しては、一行はワシントン府滞在中なりしが、同日ローマン氏は、太平洋聯合商業会議所会頭の資格にて、左の一書を渋沢団長に寄せたり。(原文英語)
拝啓、下名は爰に太平洋聯合商業会議所を代表して、貴国天長の佳節に際し、実業団の特製徽章を閣下に交付し、之れを貴国 天皇陛下に伝献されんことを御依頼するの愉快と光栄とを有し候。
貴我両国の真正且つ不渝の友誼は、此徽章の金属の如くあらんことは下名の希望し、且つ信ずる所に有之候 敬具
ローマン氏は此書面と共に、前きに大統領に捧呈したると同一の金剛石入特製徽章を、本文の趣旨に従ひ、帰国の上 天皇陛下に伝献方を渋沢団長に依頼したるに由り、渋沢団長は深厚の謝意を表して之れを受領し、且つ帰国の上は早速相当の手続をなすべく、我 聖上の御嘉納あるべきは、信じて疑はざる旨を述べ置きたり。

(ジェームス・ディー・ローマン)書翰控 渋沢栄一宛 (1909.11.03) (ジェームス・ディー・ローマン氏所蔵)

To Baron Shibusawa,
  President Honorary Commercial
  Commission of Japan:
  Representing the Associated Chambers of Commerce of the Pacific Coast, it is my pleasure and honor on this, the anniversary of the birth of your Emperor, to present to you, for transmission to him, this insignia of membership in our commission.
  The symbolical metal (gold) of which it is made is indicative, I hope, of true and everlasting friendship between our two nations.
                  J. D. Lowman,
               President Associated Chambers
               of Commerce of Pacific Coast
  November third,
    Nineteen Hundred Nine.

渋沢栄一書翰 ジェームス・ディー・ローマン宛 (1909.11.03) (ジェームス・ディー・ローマン氏所蔵)

            Washington, D. C. Nov. 3, 1909.
Mr. J. D. Lowman,
  President, Associated Chambers of Commerce
  of the Pacific Coast.
Dear Sir:-
  On behalf of the Honorary Commercial Commissioners of Japan to the United States, 1909, I have the honor to acknowledge receipt of your note of even date, in which you request me to receive the insignia of membership in our commission for transmission to His Majesty, the Emperor of Japan, my August Sovereign, the anniversary of whose birthday we had the pleasure of celebrating with you and your associates.
  In reply I have the honor to say that it was a great honor and pleasure to receive this token of friendship from our Pacific Coast friends, commemorative as it is of The good relations and everlasting friendship between the two nations. I would further say that on my return to Japan I will ask a special audience and have the great honor and pleasure of presenting the said insignia to His Imperial Majesty, with the best wishes of the Pacific Coast Chambers of Commerce.
  With renewed thanks for the honor you have conferred upon me, I remain,
                  Yours very truly,
                (Signed) Baron E. Shibusawa
                    Chairman of the Honorary
                    Commercial Commission of Japan.
